Beyond Asana: The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Wednesday, 1st March, 7:30pm – 8:30pm
At Riverside Centre (in Meeting Room)
Kid’s Yoga
Saturday, 4th March, 4pm - 5pm
At Riverside Centre (in Hall)
Detox Flow Yoga
Sunday, 5th March, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
At Riverside Centre (in Hall)
Build Your Own Yoga Practice
Wednesday, 8th March, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
At Riverside Centre(in Hall)
This Workshop Series is sponsored by the Riverside Community Trust Board and participation is by Koha.
All Classes at Riverside Centre

Yoga is not just for flexible people, nor is it just about stretching. Yoga is a practice that goes back thousands of years. Yoga means “union”. Creating union of body, mind, and spirit through breathe, meditation, and movement is my goal in both my own practice and in the workshops I offer. For more info see: Facebook/bodhibeing
March Offerings for Yoga at Riverside Community:
Beyond Asana: The Eight Limbs of Yoga Come learn about yoga beyond Asana, the physical postures of yoga and dive into Patanjuli’s 'Eight Limbs of Yoga' that can be used as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. This class will be instructional based on yoga philosophies; it will not include a physical yoga practice. Open to all levels and ages.
Kid’s Yoga!
A basic class for children age 5-12yrs to come together to stretch and have fun with partner yoga, while developing an awareness for mindfulness through meditation and other grounding techniques.
Detox Flow Yoga
An all-levels Hatha inspired yoga class focusing on twists and other Asana postures to create more openness, boost circulation, and help stimulate lymphatic drainage. Bring a water bottle and yoga mat if you have one!
Build Your Own Yoga Practice In this workshop we will discuss common key aspects of yoga including Pranayanma (breathwork), meditation, and Asana (physical postures). You will learn a series of postures that target key areas of your body to create more openness and build strength. You will learn a variety of breathing techniques and meditation practices to help calm the mind and reduce tension. This workshop will give you tools to incorporate into your own yoga practice for creating more peace and harmony in your day. Bring a water bottle and yoga mat if you have one!