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How safe is our Riverside Milk?

Did you know that we adhere to the highest HYGIENE and SAFETY standards for our Riverside Milk?

Allied to the total adoption of milk refrigeration, we follow strict procedures for disease control. This includes comprehensive, regular (daily) testing for infection indicators, bacteria and parasites. We also operate under Fonterra’s food safety program and risk management plan.

And we are not new to this business of food hygiene and saftey!

As long-standing milk suppliers to Fonterra, we have always ensured that our milk is fit for exporting to countries with some of the world's highest food safety standards.

For more information on our raw milk for sale, please visit www.riversidemilk.co.nz

(“Raw milk may contain harmful microorganisms that can cause serious illness. To reduce the risk of illness, raw milk should be heated to at least 70 ⁰C for one minute. This is critical for infants, young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems”, Ministry of Primary Industries).

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