With Anne Molloy
Starts Monday, 24th July
Every Monday, 9.30am - 10.30am
Contact Anne for more info: 021 121 3389
Musical Beginnings focuses on nurturing the joys of childhood through a variety of integrated whole body activities. The essence of every class is creative imaginative play.
Anne has 35 years teaching experience and is trained in both Kodaly and Orff Schulwerk methods of teaching music to children. The content comes from a rich body of traditional and contemporary children’s repertoire. Through a diverse range of songs, chants, rhymes, circle games, dances, poems and chants children will SING, MOVE, SAY, LISTEN, DANCE and PLAY.
In her classes, Anne uses props, puppets, visuals, singing stories, scarves, streamers and a wide variety of untuned percussion instruments such as drums, wood blocks, triangles, guiros and tuned percussion instruments such as xylophones, glockenspiels and tone bars.
This programme is suitable from babies to 7 year olds with their carers.
Free trial class. Gold coin donation to cover cost of room rental.
Call Anne at 021 121 3389 to register.