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Centre Sponsorship

Riverside Community Trust Board is excited to announce that charitable, not-for-profit groups can now make use of the Riverside Community Cultural Centre free of charge.

With this sponsorship, the Board hopes to strengthen community ties in our region while also easing some of the financial burden that some local not-for-profit groups are facing, in particular since the Covid-19 lock-down.

The sponsorship is as much about providing a warm and welcoming space for underfunded, charitable events as it is about supporting educational activities and groups caring for vulnerable members of our society. Therefore, we welcome all applications by not-for-profit groups and organisations which have the advancement of education and support of others at the very core of their everyday being.

You do not need to be a registered charity to be eligible for Trust sponsored (free) use of the Centre, but you need to show that your event's primary goal is to execute charitable activities or promote charitable purposes rather than to provide for accumulation of personal wealth. (For example, a group using the kitchen to cook free meals for struggling new parents in the region would be eligible for sponsorship, but a business using the kitchen to prepare products for sale to the public wont be.)

If you think that your group or activity fits our criteria (see below), please email centre@riverside.org.nz with a brief outline of what you would like to use the Centre for, and our Centre Manager will get back to you.

Main Criteria for Sponsorship Eligibility

1. Your event has to align with the trust’s charitable purposes.

2. Your event has to be for the benefit of the wider public.

3. Your event has to be run as a not-for-profit activity; the Centre Manager and Board need to be satisfied that the event’s primary intention is for fulfilling a charitable purpose rather than providing an income source for individuals*.

*Local school boards or not-for-profit groups may seek Centre Sponsorship for fundraising efforts (for example a music event where proceeds go towards neccessary resources); In these cases the Board expects a contribution towards maintenance costs as determined by the Centre Manager.

Centre Sponsorship New

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Riverside Community Trust is a registered charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC27600).

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© 2024 Riverside Community Trust Board, Nelson, New Zealand | Site by DaisyC

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