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Lower Moutere Hills Neighbourhood & Council Meeting

With Tasman District Council staff, councillors. Chaired by Mayor Tim King.

Wednesday, July 21, 6pm - 8pm

For Lower Moutere residents affected by Council's proposed future development.

Registrations essential: Click Here

At Riverside Centre (Rangiemarie Hall)

Riverside Community Trust Board hereby invites LOWER MOUTERE Residents whose properties will be affected by the proposed development ('pink blob' see below) of 1200+ dwellings on and around Riverside land to an informative evening with TDC and Tasman's mayor.

Council's current Future Development Strategy (FDS) plans for the expansion of Motueka towards the Lower Moutere Hills area, with around 130 hectares of land to be turned into medium to low density housing.

As is, the development would fragment Riverside land, require land sales from adjoining property owners and encompass drastic changes to the landscape and rural character of the Lower Moutere Hills area. The event's main objective is to provide a welcoming space for Lower Moutere Hills residents to gather information, ask questions and feel heard by council staff and representative.

The meeting is specifically for residents within or bordering onto the council's identified growth area in Lower Moutere Hills! For more information, please consult council's own resources: https://fds.nelsontasman.govt.nz/

Any neighbour wishing to attend the meeting, needs to register by 'buying' a FREE ticket. One ticket per person please. We have limited seating capacity and need to keep track of numbers. Get your free ticket here: https://www.riverside.org.nz/event-details/lmh-neighbourhood-council-meeting


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