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LMH Neighbourhood & Council Meeting

Wed, 21 Jul


Riverside Community Cultural Centre

An informative evening for Lower Moutere Hills residents whose properties may be affected by Tasman's Future Development Strategy. Hosted by Riverside Community Trust Board, with TDC staff and councillors. Chaired by Mayor Tim King.

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LMH Neighbourhood & Council Meeting
LMH Neighbourhood & Council Meeting

Time & Location

21 Jul 2021, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Riverside Community Cultural Centre, 289 Main Road Lower Moutere, R.D.2, Upper Moutere 7175, New Zealand

About the Event

Riverside Community Trust Board hereby invites all neighbours, whose properties are currently included in TDC's largest single growth area ('T-18 Lower Moutere Hills') as identified in our district's Future Development Strategy (FDS), to an exclusive meeting at Riverside Community Cultural Centre. 

For more information on the Lower Moutere Hills growth area and the FDS in general, please refer to the following council resources: https://fds.nelsontasman.govt.nz/

Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy (2019), Council Publication

The meeting will be attended by council staff, including Jacqui Deans (TDC Urban Growth Co-ordinator), a representative each of TDC's Environmental Planning and Strategic Policy Team and several councillors. Tasman's Mayor Tim King will chair the meeting.

In the first part of the evening, council staff will give a presentation on the proposed development in our neighbourhood, followed by an open forum for you to ask questions and express any concerns you may have. After a well deserved tea break, plenty of opportunities will be provided to engage in balanced discussions in smaller groups with council staff and councillors. Maps and additional information materials will also be available.

The event's main objective is to provide a welcoming space for Lower Moutere Hills residents to gather information, ask questions and feel heard by council staff and representative. Riverside Community Trust Board is committed to strengthening community ties and creating opportunities for connections and collaborations. We hope that the meeting will foster mututal understanding between our neighbourhood and council, thereby enabling us all to work together - towards creating a sustainable future which is right for our neighbourhood and the wider district.

The meeting is exclusivelu for residents within or bordering onto the council's identified growth area in Lower Moutere Hills!

We ask that any neighbour wishing to attend the meeting registers for this event by buying a FREE ticket. One ticket per person please. We have limited seating capacity and need to keep track of numbers. 

Once the event is 'Sold Out', we will be operating with a waiting list and you are asked to email info@riverside.org.nz. We also ask that anyone who has successfully registered but can no longer make it to the event, emails us  as soon as possible so that we can allocate their seat to someone on the waiting list.

Please note that Riverside Community Trust Board reserves the right to bar entry to anyone without a ticket or anyone intoxicated. Instances of verbal abuse, threats of violence or any other disorderly behavior during the meeting will result in immediate removal from the meeting. 

Workshop Spot

  • Free Ticket

    Free Ticket: Lower Moutere Hills Resident

    Sale ended



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