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'Healing Through Breathing' Workshops

With French GP Marie Noelle

Sunday, 4th March, 10am - 5pm

Sunday, 25th March, 10am - 5pm

$70 per workshop

All welcome!

At the Centre (Meeting Room)

Bring a snack, a yoga mat, a thin blanket and a scarf for your eyes.

Curious? Interested? In need of some holistic healing techniques?

French GP Marie offers you two workshops for learning how to master your breathing, get rid of stress, gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of your self and find answers to common ailments. Take you pick on which of the two workshops suits your time schedule better.

French GP Marie has been offering breathing workshops to people from around the world for 15 years and incorporates Yoga, Pranayama, Chi Kong and Vipassana into her regular teachings.

Simply contact Marie and register: framatim@yahoo.fr or 022 689 5627

Healing through Breathing Poster

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