With Tanya Scott
Saturday,1st June, 5pm - 9pm
At Riverside Centre (Meeting Room)
Fee: $50 per session
To register and for more info, please contact Tanya: tanyag.scott@gmail.com
Looking for guidance, deep understanding and clarity in personal or working life? Gain heart full awareness with this systemic trans-generational solution orientated method that empowers transformation and healing. Family Constellation is a process that allows you to discover the invisible underlying dynamics that you are involved in daily life. Come along for a sacred space.
Each of us belongs to a family system extending over several generations. When the family system is balanced, the individuals within it can receive the generational flow of love from those who came before them, and they can pass it on to those who follow. However, families can only function harmoniously in this way when each family member belonging to the system has an equally valued and respected place within it.
Disturbances to the natural flow of love within a family can result from various situations and events, for example:
· the untimely loss of a parent or child
· disrespect for or exclusion of a family member
· interrupted bonding between parent and child
· adoptions
· miscarriages, stillbirths and abortions
· serious illness of a family member
· unresolved feelings towards former partners
· war experiences
· the presence of victims and perpetrators of crime and injustice
· family secrets
The deep residual impact of these difficult fates is often felt generations later, even when the particular family member is forgotten or long deceased. The unresolved issues are passed on by a balancing mechanism (the family soul) to an innocent and unknowing member of a future generation, often a child or grandchild.
When an individual is “tied up” in the fate or business of another member of the extended family, we describe it as being entangled, or entanglement. When entanglement occurs, it results in difficulties and suffering which may affect many generations. These difficulties show up in a variety of ways, such as loneliness, depression, alcohol and drug dependency, suicide, mental or physical illness, recurring accidents, constricting and recurring family patterns, relationship difficulties with parents, partner or children, and inability to achieve true potential.
In Family Constellation work the focus in on revealing those unconscious and tras-generational patterns of entanglement and then seeking to find a new solution. Relationships can then be re-aligned, allowing healing forces to flow freely. The process is often profoundly touching and sees to work at the very soul of all present.
Tanya Scott
Graduated from Psychology in Mexico Holistic and Systemic Life Coach Family Constellations facilitator
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.