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'Connecting With Children'

Nonviolent Communication Workshop with Yoram Mosenzon

Saturday to Sunday, 22nd to 23rd February, 10am - 6pm both days

Course Fee: Sliding Scale, $220 - 440

At Riverside Centre

Contact Irma: irma@jager.co.nz

Would you like more flow of love, care and harmony with your child(ren)? Would you like to learn how to move from anger and conflict to peaceful connection?

Nonviolent Communication (NVC):

NVC is a simple, powerful, practical tool that helps us see clearly what blocks our communication, and what we can do differently to manifest and live our deepest values with children. NVC shows us a way how to create sustainable connection and cooperation that is based on intrinsic motivation from both sides.

And we will focus on the following skills:

❀ How to transform anger into connection (from both sides) ❀ Empathic listening- how to hear what your child is saying, no matter how they express it ❀ How to deeply listen to ourselves, to the depth of what is important to us, and how to communicate that in a way that fosters compassion and cooperation. How to care for ourselves and for our children/family at the same time? ❀ How to stand clearly for our boundaries without using threats or punishments. How to move from being a policeman/policewoman, into just being humans together ❀ How to create peaceful dialogues that include and connect us all ❀ And more and more...


In an interactive and safe learning environment, we will be invited to work on examples from our own life. We will practice “Nonviolent Communication” through demonstrations, role-playing and exercises in order to integrate the NVC values and language more in our own daily lives.

* The course provides a child-free learning environment to honor many students’ needs for focus, concentration, relaxation and learning.

Materials to read:

There is no requirement for reading before joining the course. There are many NVC books available - if you wish for an advice with which to start, you are welcome to contact us.

Enquiries and bookings: Any enquiries, contact local organiser Irma through email: irma@jager.co.nz

Or for bookings, visit: http://www.connecting2life.net/en/offers/workshops/new-zealand/connecting-children-nelson/

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post's content are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.

NVC Workshop with Yoram Mosenzon

NVC Workshop with Yoram Mosenzon

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