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Peace Education Programme

10-week programme

Wednesdays, 1.30pm to 2.30pm, starts 1st May

At Riverside Centre (Kotahitanga Room) 

The Peace Education Programme is an innovative series of video-based workshops that help people discover their own inner strength and personal peace.


The programme gives participants the opportunity to focus and reflect on their humanity and their inner resources, such as choice, hope and dignity. Rather than describing or defining personal peace, the program empowers individuals to reach their own understanding. Everyone can benefit. The program has proven effective in a variety of settings, including community centres, schools, universities, healthcare settings, senior centres, homeless shelters, drug rehabilitation facilities, and correctional facilities.


Each workshop features video excerpts of renowned author Prem Rawat’s inspiring presentations on one of ten themes: Peace, Appreciation, Inner Strength, Self-awareness, Clarity, Understanding, Dignity, Choice, Hope, and Contentment.


The course materials are drawn from Prem Rawat’s many international addresses, as well as from media interviews and interactions with a diverse range of people, and animated stories. Accompanying print material for each course includes one-page articles for each theme, participant workbooks, and a facilitator guide. In addition to the video material, each class provides an opportunity for participants’ oral expressions, written reflections, and/or interactive activities.


The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) provides access to the course materials to organizations and volunteers free of charge, making the Peace Education Program available to diverse populations in more than 80 countries and 40 languages.


“The Peace Education Program is not complicated. It’s successful because of its simplicity.”

— Prem Rawat

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post's content are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.

Peace Education Programme

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