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The Fool's Journey

With Col Minney

Saturday, June 26, 10am - 5pm

Only 12 spaces available. $60 per participant.

Registration essential to secure your place.

At Riverside Centre

Curiosity is... Giving Attention & Witnessing & Noticing ALL that passes through us. This workshop will take you on a shared Fool's journey: Experience how to be totally present on stage; See what arises from the magic of letting go; Inhabit and play with the many masks we all have that represent being human; and above all: Bring out your curiosity and playfulness so that you can embrace the freedom to BE.

In addition, we play Audience: Doing our best to give up comparing or criticising, but being generous with our attention, letting ourSelveS be touched and enjoying the ride. No previous experience necessary.

Only 12 spaces available. Contribution: $60.

Your facilitator: Col Minney has been performing for almost 20 years, starting in New Zealand, before performing around the UK and various festivals. Clowning, fooling and storytelling are his favourite forms of showtime. His fooling and clowning workshops are a way to build wholesome, playful community and to support his own quest to be the best player of life and love he can be.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post's content are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.

The Fool's Journey Poster


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