Did you know that when you hire the Riverside Community Cultural Centre for a public event -perhaps a workshop, presentation or regular class - you are also getting some fine and FREE promotion through all of Riverside's online platforms and social media channels. Our Facebook page, Google+ page, websites and monthly E-News reach several thousand people a month, allowing your event to be seen by a whole lot of people without you having to pay for it.

How does it work?
As soon as your booking with the Centre is finalised and we have received your event poster in jpeg format (if you are not sure what that is, talk to us), we will put it on our website, social media channels (including on our Facebook event page) and in our monthly Newsletter. All that (well, apart from the centre hire) is free and does not require any work from you :)
(We do recommend that you also put up some posters around Riverside Community - on notice boards by Riverside Milk, Riverside Cafe and Riverside Centre - to increase your event's exposure further. If you are struggling to create a poster, we may be able to help.)
Once that is all done, you may want to sprinkle some more info on your Riverside Facebook event page from time to time, and - if you fancy - do some shouting from the rooftops yourself to ensure people keep listening....
While we cannot promise you the arrival of a thousand participants for your event, we are certain that you will get noticed by a whole lot of people...
For more info on the Riverside Community Cultural Centre, please click here: riverside.org.nz/venue
For information on how to not only get some free promotion but also the hire venue for your public event for free, please check out Riverside's 'Share your Skills' offer!