With French GP Marie Noelle
Saturday, 13th January 2018, 10am - 5pm
At Riverside Centre
$90 ($60 if booking before 31st December 2017)
Contact Marie Noelle: framatim@yahoo.fr or 022 689 5627
This workshop will teach you different techniques on how to improve and master your breathing, empower your self and change your life. If you have been considering to start afresh in 2018 and are keen to learn easy and efficient ways of relaxing, staying healthy and healing yourself, this workshop is for you!
French GP Marie has been offering breathing workshops to people from around the world for 15 years and incorporates Yoga, Pranayama, Chi Kong and Vipassana into her regular teachings. Her workshop is open for all! Please bring a mat, a blanket, and your lunch for during the break :)