Fermentation Workshop
Organised by Riverside Education
With Tanja Pauls & Verena Gruner
Wednesday, 25th May, 6.30pm to 8.30pm
$35 per participant.
Limited to 12 participants
Registrations essential: Click HERE
At Riverside Centre (Kitchen)
Bring a jar.
Hizz, fizz, bubble! Come spend an evening in the kitchen to taste and make sauerkraut and kimchi!
Verena and Tanja are excited to welcome you back to our workshops all around holistic living here at Riverside! Seasonally appropriate, they will be looking at how to naturally ferment goodies from the garden. Do you have an abundance of cabbages and carrots right now?
In spite of the myths surrounding this method of food preparation, fermentation is not difficult. It is a natural process which, if some simple rules are observed, will result in some very yummy additions to your meal plan. Home made sauerkraut or kimchi also make excellent presents for loved ones ;)
In this hands on 2 hour session, we will have a look at some of the basic principles of successful fermentation - and then get right into preparing some sauerkraut and kimchi for you to take home. We will provide all vegetables and other ingredients - you just bring a jar ;)
This workshop is proudly sponsored by the Riverside Community Trust. Please contact Tanja (education@riverside.org.nz) to discuss sponsorship options if you are struggling to meet the workshop fee or to enquire about more info.
