Cooperative Living: Successful & Affordable Rural Housing Models
Cooperative Living: Successful & Affordable Rural Housing Models. A presentation and networking opportunity

A Landshare Conversation - Two Events
Attend one or two events on landshare conversation to discover more about this topic

Cooperative Living in Rural Areas: Presentation on Legal Options & Networking
Presentation on the legal options for using the Cooperative Living planning rule (Plan Change 60) of the Tasman Resource Management Plan

Child on the Move - Introductory Session
Learn about child development, infant reflexes, and their impact on learning in school for children aged 4-6.

Inspirational Ecovillages around the World & the Work of GEN
With Kosha Joubert, Director of Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) Friday, 21st June, 7pm - 9.30pm At Riverside Centre Door Sales: $10 For...

Introduction to PROUT Aotearoa
Sunday 15 July 2018 at 7.30pm Riverside Community meeting room Koha PROUT Aotearoa is committed to the formation of a political party...

The Zero Waste Approach
With the 'No-Waste Nomads' Sunday, 24th June, 3pm At Riverside Centre (Peace Hall) Free Entry & Zero Waste Potluck Riverside Community NZ...

Introduction to the Primal Lifestyle
With Irma Jager (certified Primal Health Coach) Organised by the Riverside Education Programme Wednesday, 1st November, 7pm - 9pm At...

'Empowerment' Workshop
Wednesday, 13th September, 7pm Gold Coin Entry At Riverside Centre

'Empowerment Workshop'
Wednesday, 16th August, 7pm Everyone Welcome At Riverside Centre (Main Hall)

‘The Alternatiba Experience’
Presentation with Max Rademacher from France Thursday, 16th February, 7.30pm – 9pm At Riverside Centre ‘Alternatiba’ - a Festival of...