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A Landshare Conversation - Two Events

Attend one or both events

Wednesday, 14th August, 6pm to 8pm: Public Meeting

Saturday, 17th August, 9am to 5pm: Training

At the Riverside Centre

Register via emailing jmsinnz@gmail.com

Home ownership in NZ is at its lowest rate since 1951 and is expected to fall further. A 2010 government report found evidence of a structural shift: younger people are less likely to achieve home ownership than ever before.

Do you have land and are interested in a time-constrained landshare collaboration experiment? Or are you looking for a place to land and have skills or resources to offer?

One possible shared intention might include enabling the land to create an abundance of nourishing food for the collaborators and their community. Read more in this article: b.link/thelandneedspeople

Janet Redmond and James Samuel have a background in building communication bridges and small-scale localised food production. They are offering two events on 14th and 17th August. Come along if this is the kind of conversation you'd like to be part of or if you are already involved in a landshare experiment. 

Wednesday, 14th August

This is a public meeting and your chance to hear more about the ideas, the vision and how we might support you.

Saturday, 17th August

A one-day training where you will learn and practice how to build communication bridges. You will take away maps that can assist your practice of these skills, that you can use in any life context, and specifically in the arena of land share collaboration. Sliding scale cost: $200 - $100

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post's content are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.

landshare conversation


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