Inspired by Krishnamurti and David Bohm
Every Friday in August, 7pm - 9pm
At Riverside Centre (Rangimarie Hall)
For more info, contact the facilitator Sid: 0221 705400
We look at what ‘Dialogue’ is ‘in its real sense” and why understanding this is an urgent need in our modern society. After a brief introduction to the meeting itself, we will look Bohm’s and Krishnamurti’s speeches and dialogues for 30 – 45 mins. Then after brewing a cup of tea, we will have an open dialogue.
We are gathering without an agenda, purpose, leader, nor for entertainment. Rather we are meeting to be able to see ‘what is going on in each one’s mind’ without judgment, agreeing, disagreeing or coming to conclusions about each other’s thoughts.
Jiddu Krishnmurti was recognized as a ‘world teacher’ by many intellectuals, writers, scientists, artists and gurus and by organisations including the United Nations. David Bohm described him as ‘The Unconditioned Mind’.
David Bohm is one of the most important scientists of the 20th Century whose work concerning consciousness and the nature of reality revolutionised Quantum Theory.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post's content are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.