Regular Events at Riverside Centre
Join in one of the many regular events happening at Riverside Centre. Dream big, be courageous and give something new a go :)

Vinyasa Yoga
With Jo Wilcox Every Tuesday & Friday, 9.30am - 10.45am Starts again 28th January Free First Class Drop In Class: $15 (Concession Cards...

Restorative Yoga Course
In Restorative Yoga, the aim is to support the body and get as comfortable as possible, being free from any tension or discomfort.

Pregnancy Yoga Course
These classes are specially designed to support you through your pregnancy and labour.

Flow Yoga Classes
Flow Yoga is a very fluid practice that is combined with sequences of poses. Movement through these postures is matched with the breath.

‘Music Moves' Classes for Kids
Movement-centred music classes engaging the body, voice, ear, senses, emotions, imagination and intellect.

Mother & Baby Yoga
A baby centred environment for you to share the joys of yoga with your baby and connect with other like-minded mums.

Meditation Class
Offering an atmosphere in which to deepen one's understanding and experience of meditation.

Introduction to Yuan Qigong
5 Week Course with Natalie Meijer Thursdays, 6pm - 7pm, Starts 12th March At Riverside Centre (Meeting Room) Course Fee: $75 (includes...

Beginners Yoga
6 Weeks With Anna Ormandy Fridays, 9.30am - 10.45am, Starts 28th February At Riverside Centre (Peace Hall) $50 for all 6 classes or $10...

Mindfulness Meditation
Second Monday of every month, 7pm - 8pm At Riverside Centre (Meeting Room) $5 per session For more info, please contact Bridget:...

Term 1 Yuan Qigong Classes
Thursdays, 10am - 11.30am, starts 6th February Cost: $165 for Term 10 weeks paid in advance OR $185 for 10 casual classes where you...

Drop-In Yuan Qigong Classes
3 Drop-In Classes with Natalie Meijer Thursdays, 28th November to 12th December, 10am - 11.30am At Riverside Centre (Meeting Room) Cost:...

Somatics & Breathing Classes
Based on ALEXANDER and FELDENKRAIS techniques With GP Marie Noelle Thursdays, 5.30pm - 7pm $10 per class At Riverside Centre (Meeting...