'Guilt, Shame, Who's to Blame' Workshop
A workshop to interrupt the harsh inner critic, and find new ways to navigate guilt and shame.

Transformative Mediation
You will use the language & skills of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to navigate and resolve conflicts.

Youth Physical Theatre Weekend (12 years+)
With Damara Sylvester from InsideOut Circus & Physical Theatre - for 12 to 17 year old youth. Saturday & Sunday, 25th & 26th January...

'Be-tween' Non Violent Communication Workshop
For parents of teenagers With Anna Groves Saturday to Sunday, 3rd & 4th December, 10am - 4pm At Riverside Community Centre For bookings,...

'Grief & Gratitude' 2 Day Workshop
24th & 25h September, 10am - 4pm Day 1: Gratitude & Day 2: Grief At Riverside Centre Limited to 22 places Day 1 - Gratitude Day 2 -...