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Punished by Rewards: Parenting from the Heart

Workshop with Irma Jaeger & Jenni Burt

Saturday 5th August, 10am to 12pm

Workshop Fee: $20 per person

At Riverside Centre

Inviting cooperation from our kids, without using the manipulative tools of punishment, praise or reward. Although these tools seem very effective in the short term, they can come at a cost to the personal development of children. It motivates them to get the reward instead of motivating them, e.g. to contribute, cooperate, learn or care.

Many studies show that extrinsic motivators— including A's, praise, and other rewards —are not merely ineffective over the long haul but counterproductive with respect to the things that concern us most: desire to learn, commitment to good values, and so on. Another group of studies shows that when people are rewarded for doing a task that involves some degree of problem-solving or creativity—or for doing it well—they will tend to do lower-quality work than those offered no reward.

So what is the alternative, then? How can we find ways to shift from 'power over' to 'power with’?

Whether you are a parent, grandparent, ‘uncle’ / 'aunt’, caregiver, teacher or health professional, we invite you to come and explore this topic in this 'parenting from the Heart' workshop.

Your facilitators are Jenni Burt (home-birth Doula) and Irma Jager (Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer). Together they bring 35 years of parenting experience.

Babies in arms are welcome - to support with focus and learning, we prefer children over 6 months to be with another parent/caregiver.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post's content are those of the facilitator/event organiser and do not necessarily reflect Riverside Community Trust Board's official position and policy. Please contact the facilitator directly for all questions regarding this post's content.

Punished by Rewards Parenting Workshop Poster Riverside

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