Just a heads up that Riverside Community Trust Board is closely following advise from the Ministry of Health. So far it is business as usual here. The Cultural Centre, Riverside Milk, the Hostel, Sojourn and all other Trust enterprises and operations continue to be open and accessible to the public. Riverside's educational workshops and all weekly classes at the Centre are also still happening.
However, we ask everyone to be mindful and not to use any of the trust's services if you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with anyone recently diagnosed with Covid-19.
Furthermore, If you have been recently overseas and are required to self-isolate, please do not book into or stay at any of our accommodation options. Both the Riverside Hostel and Sojourn are located in the middle of a village with several residents who would be at risk of developing severe complications from this novel virus!
If the situation changes or we receive new advise from the Ministry of Health and our Health and Safety Manager, we will inform you on this Facebook page and our website www.riverside.org.nz.
Stay safe and positive, everyone :) Daisy on behalf of the Trust Board
For more info on Covid-19, please visit the Ministry of Health's website.