If you or your kids want to learn some amazing and fun skills on the ground and in the air while getting fit, you should definitely try your hand at the circus arts!
Inside Out Circus is a Nelson based 'training centre and performance hub, lead by Damara Sylvester (below), focusing on Circus and Physical Theatre' (www.insideout-physicaltheatre.com) and inviting everyone to get fit and moving in creative ways.

(Photo by Talitha Walterfang)
Damara has trained extensively in music, dance, circus and physical theatre - not only in Canada, but also in Australia, Japan and soon New York and keeps enriching her artistic repertoire by joining international training courses with prestigious (physical) theatre companies like Zen Zen Zo from Brisbane.
Inside Out Circus offers a variety of classes for kids and adults at the beautiful Riverside Community Cultural Centre. Be it Circus acrobatics, drama classes, physical theatre or aerial silks, everyone is welcome to join and give it a try! Classes are aimed at creating a fun and supportive environment for students to discover and explore new skills, talents and passions.

This Term (Term 2 starts 1st May) Inside Out Circus offers the following Classes and if you are interested, simply contact Damara and register: 021 2162456 insideoutcircus@gmail.com
Circus for Kids
With Damara Sylvester & Pipi Ayesha-Evans
Mondays (8-10yrs), 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Tuesdays (5-8yrs), 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Wednesdays (5-8yrs), 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Wednesdays (10-14yrs), 4.30pm - 5.30pm
Home School and private classes also available.
Aerial Silks for Adults
With Damara Sylvester & Pipi Ayesha-Evans Tuesdays, 4.45pm - 6pm Fridays, 10am - 11.15am Private classes also available.
Drama Class for Kids (8-12yrs) With Nikkie Karki Thursdays, 3.30pm - 4.45pm
For more info on this class, please click HERE
Physical Theatre With Damara Sylvester Thursdays, 6.45pm - 9pm
There are also two special treats coming your way!
Firstly, Inside Out Circus' Physical Theatre troupe will present you their award winning and family friendly show 'Take A Seat' on 19th May, 7pm at Riverside Community Centre. Damara has been directing a cast of 8 for a highly choreographed, 25 minute piece on the secret life of the not-so-humble chair, to be premiered at the Nelson Fringe Festival on May 5th. For those who have missed buying tickets for the Fringe show, here is your chance!!!
Secondly, In association with Damara and Inside Out Circus, Fergus Aitkin, Wellington comedian and performance artist, will be leading a 3 hour Mime and Movement workshop in the Riverside Centre on Saturday, 3rd June. For more info, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1351551901567962/?ti=icl

To stay on top of all the amazing things that Inside Out Circus has to offer, like their Facebook Page and follow the journey of circus arts.